Thursday, July 4, 2024


He shall save his people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21
THE Saviour’s people were given him by his Father.
They were involved in all the consequences of Adam's sin.
They had made their case worse by actual transgressions.
They could not contribute the least toward their own salvation.
They had neither will nor power to do so.
If they were saved it must be wholly by another.
Jesus loved them,
  as the gift of his Father,
  with all the strength of his nature.
He was determined to save them.
He undertook in covenant to do so.
He came into the world for this purpose.
Not to help them to save themselves,
  but to save them himself;
  to the glory of God the Father.
He therefore assumed their nature,
  took their place,
  represented their persons,
  obeyed and suffered in their stead, 
  and offered a sacrifice to God,
  which, for ever put away their sins.
He then ascended the glory,
  receive the Holy Spirit, and
  sent him into our world to call,
   sanctify, teach, comfort,  
     and guide them to glory.
He therefore is called Jesus,
  for he shall save all his people from their sins.
Jesus is our great salvation,
Worthy of our best esteem!
He has saved his favourite nation;
Join to sing aloud to him;
He has saved us,
Christ alone could us redeem.
James Smith 1849

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