Wednesday, July 17, 2024


JULY 17.
His work is perfect.
Deuteronomy 32:4

AN infinitely perfect mine will produce a perfect work.
Every work of God is wrought by a perfect plan,
  by a perfect agency with the most suitable instruments,
  and with infallible success.
Failure belongs to man, not to God.
The work of creation is complete.
The work of providence is perfect
  as far as it is finished, and
  so is the work of grace.
Jesus has perfectly fulfilled the law,
  answered all the claims of divine justice,
  frustrated the designs of his foals, and
  provided for the certain salvation of all his people.
When the work of salvation is finished,
  it will be the most magnificent work
  which even God ever wrought.
It will be a mirror to reflect and reveal all
  the glorious attributes, perfections, purposes,
  and thoughts of the Most High.
Blessed be the Lord Jesus for his perfect work!
In this we are justified,
  in this we can approach
    the throne of God with boldness,
  in this we may meet death without fear, and
  in this we shall be acquitted before
    the great white throne.
It is our bridal robe,
  our title to the heavenly mansions,
  and the ground of our hope.
Jesus, Son of God, thou art
Omnipotence divine,
Now assures my fearful heart
That all thou art is mine;
On me thy perfect work bestow.
And make me live like the below.
James Smith 1849

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