Wednesday, July 3, 2024



I beseech thee shew me thy glory.
Exodus 33:18

THE essential glory of God's nature cannot be seen by us,
  our powers and facilities are not able to bear it.
But the glory of his perfections,
  as they shine forth in his works, and
  especially in our salvation, may.
Jesus is the brightness of his glory, and
  the express image of his person.
He is the image of the invisible God.
He is the mirror in which the glory of God is seen.
If therefore God answer this prayer in our experience,
  he will shine into our hearts, and
  give us the light of the knowledge of his glory,
    in the face of Jesus Christ.
All the glory of God is in Christ;
  if therefore the eyes of our mind are opened,
  if the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to us,
    we shall see the Lord's glory.
And this sight will humble us in the dust before him,
  overwhelm us with shame on account of our sins,
  inspire us with confidence to trust in his word, and
  draw out our warmest love and
  most solemn reverence towards him.
The more we see of God's glory,
  the more we shall hate sin,
  be weaned from the world,
  pant after holiness,
  delight in worship, and
    practice his precepts.
Lord manifest thyself to me in Jesus today!
Father, shew to me thy glory,
Prostrate at thy gracious throne,
Make thy goodness pass before me,
All thy goodness in thy Son.
James Smith 1849

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