Friday, July 5, 2024



Where art thou?
Genesis 3:9

THIS question was proposed to fallen Adam,
  and may well be proposed to us.
All by nature try to hide from the Lord,
  they cannot bear the glance of his eyes;
  they tremble at his justice,
  hate his holiness, and
  are too proud to appeal to his mercy.
Reader, “Where art thou?”
Are you in your natural state?
Then you are enmity against God,
  you are exposed to the wrath of God, and
  may at any hour be banished from the land of hope,
  into darkness and hopeless despair.
Are you wrapped up in the garments of self righteousness?
Then you are in imminent danger,
  and yet do not see it.
You are rejecting Christ,
  refusing to build on the foundation which God has laid, and
  will be required to fulfil every command of God's holy law.
Are you in Christ?
If so, you are truly blessed;
  for every sin is pardoned,
  every promise of grace and glory is yours,
  to you there is no condemnation, and
  from Christ you shall never be separated.
Beloved, God asks, “Where are thou?”
No matter where you are,
  if you are not in Christ;
   there is no place of safety,
   no source of supply,
   no title to glory,
       but in Christ.
O to be found in him living, dying, and for ever!
Jesus, Saviour, spring of hope,
Help a fallen sinner up;
O thou blessed woman’s seed,
Bruise in me the serpent's head.
James Smith 1849

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