Thursday, July 11, 2024



JULY 11.
Hast thou not reserved a blessing for me?
Genesis 27:36

THUS cried profane Esau to his father Isaac,
  when Jacob had supplanted him and
  taken away his blessing; and
  thus have many of the Lord's people
   cried to their heavenly Father.
Beloved, is this our iniquity this morning?
If so, it is easily answered,
  our God has reserved blessings for us.
He has been bestowing blessings on his people
  through all past ages;
  but like the sun,
  which has poured out light and
  heat upon our world thousands of years, and
  yet is as full of light and heat as ever,
  so it is with our God.
He is full of blessings.
He has it in his heart to bless his children.
He loves to see them gather around his throne
  morning by morning to ask his blessing.
Well, what do we need this morning?
Whatever it may be,
  our God has it, and
   has it for us.
Let us ask him for more grace.
Grace to soften our hearts,
  to sanctify our temper,
  to rule our tongues,
  to direct our energies,
  to devote us entirely to his praise, and
  to make us both holy and happy.
Yes, poor, depressed, sorrowful sinners,
  thy Father has reserved a blessing for thee;
  and the very blessing which you must most need.
My Savior, my God, I trust in thy blood,
To bring me the blessing on many be stowed;
For us it is free though purchased by thee,
And I know it is mine when my Lord is in me.
James Smith 1849

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