Friday, July 12, 2024


JULY 12.
He that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Matthew 10:22

MANY profess Christ,
  who do not possess Christ.
They appeared to begin well,
  but in time the temptation fall away.
Therefore the Saviour said,
  “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord,
  Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
  but he that doeth the will of my Father
   which is in heaven.
Every man's profession will be tried, and
  all who have not been the root of the matter in them,
  will fall away.
None but the regenerate will persevere,
  but all that are really born again will.
The new creature in creation cannot be destroyed,
  true faith will prove victorious.
How important then to ascertain,
  “Are we created anew in Christ Jesus?”
How did our religion begin?
In conviction of sin?
How did it proceed?
In venturing entirely on Jesus and
  his finished work for salvation?
In panting ardently for thorough sanctification?
How is it with us now?
Is Christ precious?
Is holiness lovely?
Is the throne of grace our daily resort?
Are we passing on towards the mark?
If so, we may hope to endure,
  and let us still press on.
Welcome my Saviour's word to me,
The cross and crowd annext I see
And suffer on, till pain is past,
With life, and I am saved at last,
I wait in death to hear him say,
Arise, my love, and come away.
James Smith 1849

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