Sunday, July 7, 2024




Enoch walked with God.
Genesis 5:22

SINNERS walk from God,
  they go in a contrary direction;
  they are opposed to his requirements,
  they refused to listen to his call.
But believers walk with God;
  in conversation, they turned to God;
  in justification, they are accepted before God;
  in sanctification, they are conformed to the will of God;
and then they walk with God.
His precepts are their rule,
  his ways are their delight,
  his glory is their aim, and
  fellowship with himself is their source of satisfaction.
They communicate with God,
  placed their confidence in God,
  expect every blessing from God, and
  strive to imitate the character of God.
They walk with him in filial love, as their Father;
  and holy intercourse, as their Friend;
  and in grateful obedience, as their covenant God.
They walked with God in faith,
  believing his promises.
They walked with God in hope,
  expecting his communications.
They walk with God in love,
  enjoying his gracious presence and blessing.
To walk with God is to honor,
  the proof of their reconciliation, and
  the evidence of their adoption.
Walking with God on earth,
  they will rest with God in heaven.
With God sweet converse I maintain,
Great as he is, I dare be free;
I tell him all my grief and pain.
And he reveals his love to me.
James Smith 1849

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