Tuesday, July 16, 2024



JULY 16.
God hath shined in our hearts.
2 Corinthians 4:6

YE were once darkness, and
  if you are not so now,
  it is because God hath enlightened you.
We were all once ignorant of God,
  ignorant of ourselves, and
  ignorant of the Lord Jesus.
In reference to our state, all was dark.
In reference to our destiny, all dark.
Dark ignorance sat enthroned in our understandings,
  therefore we were careless, cruel, hardened,
  and presumptuous.
But when God shone into our hearts,
  we discovered our state,
  caught a glimpse of his true character,
  became alarmed at our condition, and
  began to look out and inquire for deliverance.
When he shone again,
  we saw the Lord Jesus as the Saviour of sinners;
  he appeared just suited to us, and
  we began to long, pray, and seek for an interest
    in his glorious person and finished work.
Another ray enabled us to see that we were welcome to him;
  and we embraced him as God's salvation,
    found peace,
    enjoyed liberty, and
  had access into God's favour,
  and rejoice in hope of his glory.
Lord, shine into our hearts again, shine often,
  that in thy light we may see light,
  and glorify thy name!
Expand thy wings, celestial Dove,
And brooding o’er my nature’s night,
Call forth the ray of heavenly love,
Let there in my dark soul be light,
And fill the illustrated abyss
With glorious beams of heavenly bless.
James Smith 1849

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