Saturday, July 20, 2024



JULY 20.
Why stand ye here all the day idle?
Matthew 20:6

MAN was formed for employment, and
he cannot be happy except he is employed.
Idleness always breeds misery and unhappiness.
But believers especially should be industrious;
they should be diligent in their worldly callings,
and every one should be working for God.
Why stand ye idle?
You cannot say that you have nothing to do.
There is the truth,       circulate it.
There are the ignorant,           instruct them.
There are the sick,      visit them.
There are the poor,  relieve them
Why stand ye here idle?
There is so much to be done, and
  so much wants doing immediately.
Look in what direction you will,
  you will find plenty of work.
Why stand all the day idle?
If you rested for awhile,
  you should work remainder of your time.
Work all day, for the night cometh,
  and it will soon be here.
Why are ye idle?
Satan is busy.
Erroneous men are busy.
Angels are busy.
Other believers are busy.
Why are you idle?
Why stand idle?
As if you were willing to work,
  are going to work,
  when you know you do not intend?
Reader, God calls the slothful wicked; and
  all idlers, especially idlers in the church,
  will be visited with correction.
Shall I stand idle still,
‘Till life’s short day is past,
Or now began to do thy will,
And work for God at last?
James Smith 1849


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