Saturday, July 13, 2024



Is any thing too hard for the Lord.
Genesis 18:14

HIS power is omnipotent,
  his wisdom is infinite,
  and his resources are boundless,
  what can be too hard for him?
Look from creatures to thy God.
Take up his promise and plead it.
Think of his faithfulness and trust in it.
He could give Abraham a son in his old age.
He could bring Israel out of Egyptian bondage.
He could preserve Daniel in the lion’s den, and
  his three brethren in the burning fiery furnace.
He could bring down the pride of Babylon,
  and bury Nineveh in ruins.
Well may we say with one,
  “I know that thou canst do all things.”
Let us then take our difficulties to God; and
  when our way is hedged up, and
  every thing seems to conspire against us,
  let us take courage and keep our path,
  remembering that our God can
  make a way in the sea, and
  a path in the mighty waters, and
  that he hath promised to make
  all his mountains a way, and
  that his high ways shall be exalted.
Let us meet our unbelief and fears with this question,
  whenever that come in like a flood, and
  let us look to God’s power,
  promises, and grace in all difficult cases.
Is any thing too hard for God?
Through Jesus we can all things do:
Who Satan and his works destroyed’.
Shall make us more than conquerors too.
James Smith 1849

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