Wednesday, July 10, 2024



JULY 10.
Ask, and it shall be given you.
Matthew 7:7

COULD God prescribe easier terms?
It is simply, “Ask and have.”
But then, what we ask must be lawful,
  it must be necessary for us, and
  it must be promised in God's word.
Our desires must be good, or
  corresponding with God's law;
  the thing sought,
  must be becoming our station and circumstances;
  and God's will must be consulted,
  as it is made known by his promises.
We may have whatever is necessary,
  whatever will promote our sanctification, or
  whatever will advance God's glory.
But if lust influence us,
  God will deny us; as we read,
  “Ye have not, because ye asked not;
  ye asked and receive not,
  because you ask amiss,
  that ye may consume it upon your lusts.”
The most general promise has its limit.
God will do nothing,
  God will give nothing,
  that is in consistent with his character, or
  that would injure his people.
If we really need,
  if our motive in seeking is pure,
  if the use to which we intend
     to put the blessing is good,
  if the end we aim at is God's glory;
  then we may ask what we will, and
   it shall be given us.
Let us ask in the name of Christ,
  for the honour of Christ, and
  we cannot ask wrong.
If God the power of asking give,
The blessings asked shall all be given;
I asked, expecting to receive,
Thy grace, thine image, and thy heaven.
James Smith 1849

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