Wednesday, September 18, 2024



Awake, O sword, against my shepherd.
Zechariah 13:7

JESUS is Jehovah's shepherd.
He is entrusted with all the Lord's sheep.
They were committed to him, and
  he became responsible for them.
They sinned, and he was held accountable.
Their guilt was transferred to him.
He stood before God charged with their transgressions.
Therefore, though he was God's fellow,
  the sword of justice is called upon
  to awake and smite him.
And it did, for God “spared not his own son,
  but delivered him up for us all.”
And when the servants of justice were sent to apprehend him,
  he presented himself and said, “Whom seek ye?”
They said “Jesus of Nazareth.”
Then he said, “I am he.”
But pointing to his disciples who represented his flock,
  he said, “If ye seek me, let these go their way.”
And they were permitted to depart.
Beloved, if Jesus is our shepherd,
  he will preserve us from the sword of justice,
  the desert of sin, and
  will present us without fault
    before his Father in heaven.
O to see Jesus as wounded for our transgressions,
  as bruised for our iniquities!
O Lord of Host, and God of love!
We bless thee for this act of grace:
Amazing mercy sure we prove
Towards a lost rebellions race,
Which bid the sword awake and smite
Thine only Son, thy hearts delight!
James Smith 1849

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