Tuesday, September 3, 2024



He that doeth good is of God.
3 John 11

IF we do good to our fellow men with a view to glorify God,
  and out of love to the Lord Jesus Christ,
  it is the effect of the in dwelling and
    sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
Every thing is as the principle is from which it proceeds;
  if therefore our works proceed from selfishness,
  or pride, or vain glory, they are not good,
  however excellent they may appear to men.
Every thing partakes of the nature of the motive
  by which it is influenced,
  now if our motive is not pure,
  whatever we do is not good.
That which is really good springs from a good motive,
  flows from a good principle,
  runs in a good channel,
  is directed by a good rule,
   and aims at a good end.
Now if we thus do good, we are of God.
We are his new creation.
We are partakers of his divine nature.
The Holy Ghost dwells in us.
But if we are not doing good,
  whatever profession we make,
  we are not of God.
He will not own us now,
  nor will he acknowledge us at the last.
“He that doeth righteousness, is righteous;
    even as he is righteous.”
Lord, teach us to do good to thy glory!
By willful sin the man who wrongs
Himself, his neighbour, or his God,
To Satan, not to Christ belongs;
He knows not the atoning blood,
Nor sees the great Invisible,
But sleeps within the mouth of hell.
James Smith 1849

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