Friday, September 27, 2024


September 27.
No good thing will he withhold from 
  them that walk uprightly.
Psalm 84:11
EVERY good gift, and every perfect gift is from above,
  and coming down from the Father of lights,
  with whom there is no variableness, 
  neither shadow of turning.
Every good thing is in God's hand, and
  it is in God's heart to give all good things to upright walkers.
Let us rely steadily on Jesus and his perfect work
  for our acceptance with God; and
  then let us walk uprightly in all of our dealings
  with our fellow men,
  so shall we secure all things that are
  really necessary to life and godliness.
Whatever God withholds from the upright,
  is not necessary, would not be good for them;
  therefore it is withheld.
God has it, there is no unwillingness on his part to bestow it,
  there is no difficulty in the way of his imparting it,
  but he sees it best that we should be without it.
We may ask every good thing of God, and
  if we walk uprightly,
  we may expect every good thing from God.
Let us look well to our motives,
  our spirit, and our conduct; and
  let us preserve a tender conscience,
  so shall we ensure all that is good for us,
  both temporal and spiritual.
God will not fail or neglect any upright man.
Lord be my safety and defence,
My light, my joy, my bless;
My portion in the world to come,
My confidence in this.
James Smith 1849

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