Sunday, September 1, 2024



He pleased God.
Hebrews 11:4

THIS was the best thing he could do.
Nothing could be more honorable to him, or
  more consistent with his profession.
This should be the one business of our lives.
The object of our daily pursuit.
Our aim in every thing we do.
But if we would please God,
  we must study his character,
  receive his son,
  be reconciled unto him,
  exercise filial confidence in him,
  be humble before him,
  keep the eye fixed upon him, and
    strive in all we do to glorify him.
Enoch pleased God more than any one in his day,
  and yet he had the cares of a family,
  the business of life, and
  an evil heart to contend with,
    just as we have.
God is easily pleased if our hearts are influenced
  by filial fear and holy love.
He is pleased with the desire to please him;
  with the feeblest attempt to glorify his name.
Beloved, if we do not seek to please God,
    we cannot be happy;
  if we make pleasing God our end in all we do,
    we need not fear offending anyone;
  and when our ways please the Lord,
    he will make even our enemies to be at peace with us.
O to please God in all we do this day!
Be it my only business here,
My high pursuit, my ardent care,
To please my gracious Lord;
To honour him in all I do,
Keeping the last great day in view,
And walking by his word.
James Smith 1849

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