Thursday, September 5, 2024



Having a form of godliness.
II Timothy 3:5

TRUE godliness is the life of God in the soul, and
  consequences of which the life is devoted to
    God's service and praise.
A godly man is a holy man.
A godly life is a useful life.
When the form of godliness clothes the power,
  it is both beautiful and useful;
  but the form without the power is a mere shadow,
    a deception, a snare.
But it is to be feared that many are satisfied with the form,
  they perform certain duties,
  avoid outward sins,
  associate with professors of religion,
  regularly attend the means of grace, and
    do so, they fancy all is right.
But this is a fearful delusion.
We must be born again.
Christ must be formed in us the hope of glory.
We must crucify the flesh with its affections and lust.
We must know God,
  feel the power of God, and
  walk in fellowship with God,   OR
  our religion is but a dream, a vein show.
Beloved, have you the power of godliness? Or,
  are you resting satisfied with the form?
Many, through this mistake,
  fancy they are going to heaven,
  while they are in the direct road to hell.
O search thy heart and pray --
May truth direct my tongue,
May grace my heart control,
And Jesus be my song,
While endless ages roll;
To please him well my single aim,
And all my trust in his dear name.
James Smith 1849

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