Monday, September 2, 2024



He will come and save you.
Isaiah 35:4

WE often need deliverance, and
  though the Lord hath delivered us so many times,
  we nevertheless often doubt whether
    he will deliver us again.
But such doubts if encouraged are sinful.
The salvations of God are numberless.
He will deliver us in six troubles, and
  in seven he will not forsake us.
The last deliverance was but introductory to the next.
The Lord will deliver us from all evil, and
  will preserve us unto his kingdom and glory.
Beloved, are you in trouble?
 There Satan harass you?
  That's in distress you?
   Does the world persecute you?
   Does an evil heart of unbelief try you?
Yield not to doubt.
Struggle against the thy fears.
Your God will come and save you.
He will come, for he has promised.
He will come at the most suitable time.
He will deliver you yet to his own glory,
  the confusion of your foes, and
   the joy of your heart.
Think of this text today;
  especially if fears beset you,
  if doubts arise within you, or
  if you look forward and
    gloomy forebodings deject you.
The Lord will perfect that which concerneth you.
The Lord will not forsake you.
I nothing else require,
If thou my Saviour be;
Salvation I desire.
Because it comes with thee;
Jesus, I on thy word rely,
In trouble let me find thee nigh.
James Smith 1849

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