Saturday, September 21, 2024



He that is not with me is against me.
Mattthew 12:30

THERE is something very awful
  in the thought of being against Christ, and
  yet every one that is not decidedly for him is against him.
There can be no neutrality.
We must be friends or foes.
If we are not his disciples,
  we are his enemies.
If we are not fighting for him,
  we are fighting against him.
If we are not working for him,
  we are working against him.
If we are not trusting him,
  we are rejecting him.
How is it with us,
  are we for Christ, or against him?
No question can be more solemn or important.
No matter ought to be so thoroughly examined,
  and satisfactorily settled.
What says conscience?
What says our conduct?
Are we trusting in Christ for life and salvation?
Are we walking with Christ in holy fellowship?
Are we obeying Christ out of sincere love?
Are we copying the example of Christ in all walks of life?
How important this matter will appear by and by.
What consequences will depend on the decisions of it.
Let us not leave it to the future,
  but let us decide it at once.
May faith in Jesus fill my mind,
Such love to Jesus may I find,
Such worth in Jesus see
That I may hold his truth and name,
More dear than wealth, or ease, or fame,
More dear than life to me.
James Smith 1849

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