Friday, September 13, 2024



Behold me, behold me.
Isaiah 65:1

THESE are the words of Jesus.
His words to the gentile sinners.
He calls for our attention.
He says, “Behold me.”
Let us direct our attention to him.
He is worthy of it.
He is the author of creation,
  the preserver of men,
  the Saviour of sinners.
Let us behold him in his true character 
  as revealed in his word;
  in his absolute dominion over all flesh;
  as having made provision for our deliverance from sin,
  Satan, death, and hell; and
   as ready to receive, pardon, and bless us.
Let us behold him cradled in the manger,
  baptized in the Jordan,
  transfigured on the mount,
  working in the streets of Judah,
  agonizing in Gethsemane,
  standing before Pilate and Caiaphas,
  but especially let us behold him dying on the cross.
Here justice appears satisfied.
Here his mercy is exalted.
Here his wisdom is displayed.
Here his love is glorified.
Let us behold him in his word,
  he points to it and says
   “Behold my power engaged for you,
     my promise pledge to you,
     my arms open to receive you,
     my witnesses testifying to encourage you.”
Let us behold him and exercise faith in him,
  address our prayers to him, and
  pour out our gratitude before him.
Behold the man! his wounds, his smart!
See how he loved and died!
The sight will melt thy stony heart;
And crucify thy pride.
James Smith 1849

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