Thursday, September 12, 2024



Thou didst hide thy face, and I was troubled.
Psalm 30:7

THE believer can find no substitute
  for the presence of his God;
  and having once enjoyed it,
  he cannot be happy or satisfied without it.
The presence of God weans him from the world,
  gives him victory over his foes,
  sweetens all the sorrows,
  sanctifies all his afflictions,
  brightens all his evidences, and
  strips death and the grave of all their terrors.
When he has the presence of his God,
  he can work in God's vineyard,
  walk in God's way, and
  fight the good fight of faith.
Nothing daunts him. Nothing is too hard for him.
But when the Lord hides his face, then he is troubled.
Satan renews his attacks.
Corruption within revive and gather strength.
Ordinances become unsavory.
Closet duties are dull and lifeless.
His prospects are dreary and discouraging.
Nothing is right, for he frets, finds fault, sighs, groans, 
  and cries out from the depths of his soul,
    “O when wilt thou come unto me!”
    “Wilt thou not revive me again,
      that my soul may give thanks unto thee.”
Reader, have you ever enjoyed the light of God's countenance?
Have you ever mourned under the hiding of his face?
Can your heart say, --
Thou art the life of all my joys,
Thy presence makes my heaven;
Whatever else my Lord denies,
Thy presence, Lord, be given?
James Smith 1849

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