Sunday, September 22, 2024


Found wanting.
Daniel 5:27
THE law demands a holy nature, and
  a righteous life.
It requires that we be full weight; and
  it threatens us with separation from God, and
the dreadful wrath of God if we are not.
And yet if weighed in the balance,
  who of us would not be “found wanting.”
Beloved, what is our state this morning?
Are we full weight?
Have we done every thing which God requires of us?
If not, we are wanting.
But if we are found wanting, what shall we do?
Let us at once repair to Jesus,
  his perfect work will turn the scale.
He receiveth sinners.
He makes over his perfect obedience
  to every one that believes on his name.
Our deficiencies may now be made up.
Our sins may all be pardoned, and
  our persons may now be justified.
But if we should be found wanting on a bed of sickness,
  when racked with pain, or seized with delirium!
If we should be found wanting at death!
At the judgment!
How awful this would be!
Let us therefore examine in time.
If we are wanting nothing that we can do, or suffer,
  will make us full weight.
But if no merit I can claim,
The blood of Jesus will prevail,
Alone prevail to save from blame.
And in my favour turn the scale
Through faith in him I stand complete,
Who undertook and paid my debt.
James Smith 1849

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