Monday, September 9, 2024



We cry, Abba, Father.             Romans 8:15

THIS no one can do from the heart, and
  with confidence, but a real Christian.
Nor can he do so always.
Doubts will creep in.
Fears will spring up.
Unbelief will work.
Satan will tempt.
It is only as the blessed Spirit works,
  as we walk closely with God,
  as we perceive the freeness of his grace, and
  as we embrace and rest upon the finished work of Jesus,
    that we can do so.
But it is the privilege of the believer,
  whenever anything alarms him,
  whenever any foes assail him,
  when any circumstances perplexes him,
  to cry, “Father Father.’
The Lord loves to hear us call him Father,
  therefore when Jesus taught his disciples to pray,
  he said, “When ye pray, say, Our Father.”
God is the Father of every believer in Jesus, and
  as a Father he cares for us,
  provides for us,
  sympathizes with us, and
    loves to be addressed by us.
Beloved, is God your father?
Do you call him so?
Have you felt the Holy Spirit in your heart,
  prompting you to do so?
Paul said to the Galatians,
  “Because ye are sons, God hath sent forth
    the Spirit of his Son into your hearts,
      crying, ABBA, Father.”
Holy Spirit, witness to our adoption, and
  help us to cry, “My Father!”
Adopted sons perceive,
Their kindred to the sky;
The Father’s pardoning love receive,
And, ABBA, Father, cry.
James Smith 1849

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