Monday, September 23, 2024



Behold, God is my salvation.
Isaiah 12:2

THIS is a fact so glorious, so stupendous,
  That we may well be called upon to behold 
    and admire it.
God was angry with us and justly.
He threatened us, and righteously.
We deserved nothing at his hands but punishment,
  and on the principles of the law we could expect
    nothing but wrath.
But behold, God is our salvation!
This flows purely from his love.
It is the effect of his free, sovereign, 
  and distinguishing grace.
To save us, he entered into covenant.
To save us, he sent his son to making atonement.
To save us, he sent his Holy Spirit into our hearts.
To save us he was determined, and in saving us he rejoices.
Our salvation is a gift conferred,
   a work wrought, a change effected.
No one could accomplish our salvation but God,
   and he has done it.
Our God is our Saviour.
“He will save, he will rest in his love.”
Do we know God in this glorious character?
Have we felt our need of an almighty Saviour?
Have we thrown ourselves into the open arms of Jesus?
Has he spoken peace to our hearts by his blood?
Has he shed abroad his love within us?
Let nothing satisfy us, but the inward witness
  of the Holy Spirit, that God is our salvation.
Now may we find access to God,
Through the Redeemer's precious blood;
And, while we hear thy voice of peace.
Our souls from guilt and fear release.
James Smith 1849

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