Sunday, September 8, 2024



The fruit of the Spirit is love.
Galatians 5:22

ENMITY is the effect of sin, and
  the proof of depravity.
Every sinner is by nature enmity against God,
  not subject to his law,
  neither indeed can he be.
Where sin reigns without control,
  Men are said to be,
    “Hateful, and hating one another.”
Hell is full of enmity.
Enmity against God, and
  against each other.
Heaven is full of love,
  all love God, and
  all love each other.
The Spirit, wherever he dwells in the heart,
  subdues our enmity,
  humbles our pride,
  breaks down our unbelief, and
    produces love.
We love God supremely,
  love the saints with complacency, and
  love the whole world with the love of pity and compassion.
We hate nothing but sin,  and
  while we hate sin in the sinner,
  we pity and pray for his person.
O if we were full of the Spirit,
  we should be full of love!
There would be no strife,
  no envyings, no hatred or malice,
  but all would be love and peace.
If we have no love to God, as revealed in Jesus;
  if we have no love to saints, because like Jesus; and
  if we have no love for sinners, for the sake of Jesus,
    we are destitute of the Spirit.
Oh, that most precious love,
Which saints and angels know
It makes their heaven above,
And makes our heaven below;
If sparkles in the Saviour’s face,
And clasps his heart with keen embrace.
James Smith 1849

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