Tuesday, September 17, 2024



There shall be a fountain opened.
Zechariah 13:1

AND blessed be God there has been.
A fountain to cleanse from all sin.
  A fountain open to all sinners.
  A fountain to which we can repair at all times.
Grace opened it, and grace keeps it open.
The precious blood of Jesus is that fountain.
  It was shed for sinners.
  It was shed for sin.
  Its efficacy is infinite and eternal.
  It has cleansed the vilest, and cleanses such still.
  Its virtue may be proved a thousand times.
  It not only suits the sinner, but the saint.
  It is just what the backslider wants.
Beloved, it is open this morning.
  It is open for us.
  Let us repair to it.
  Let us step into it.
Its virtues far exceed the famed Bethesda,
  it will heal more perfectly than did Siloam once.
O what a mercy that God should keep this fountain open!
What shall we do without it?
We could we have no peace,
  we could never obtain pardon,
  our case would be desperate.
But now there is ground for the strongest confidence.
We may exercise the liveliest hope.
This fountain not only cleanses, but it supplies us.
It opens heaven, and it brings down into
  our possessions all the riches of grace, and
  promises all the blessings of glory.
Come hither soul, defiled with sin,
And wash thy heart, and make it clean;
Oh! do not, do not pass it by.
For you must wash, or you must die.
James Smith 1849

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