Thursday, September 19, 2024



Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
II Timothy 2:1

WE want to be strong in ourselves, or
  if we may not have confidence in ourselves,
  to have some fellow creature on whom we can rely.
But God will have us confide only in Jesus.
God would trust no one but Jesus, and
  we should not even wish to do so.
There is grace in Jesus.
All grace is in Jesus.
He says,
  “All things are delivered unto me of my Father.”
And the apostle says, “It pleased the Father,
  that in him should all fulness dwell.”
He is the fountain of grace, and
  we are to look to him at all times,
  and for all the grace we need.
He giveth liberally and upbraideth not.
Let us not fancy ourselves strong because
  of any grace we have received,
  or on account of the grace possessed by any one we love;
  but let us exercise confidence in Jesus alone,
  who giveth more grace.
We are as our faith is;
  if therefore our faith is fixed on Jesus,
  if we exercise steady confidence on his veracity,
  word, and love, we are strong.
But it is only as we feel weak in ourselves that we shall do so.
O may my soul on Jesus rest,
And with his comforts be supplied
And while his love constrains my breast,
Lean on the man that loved and died;
Not resting on a creature prop,
But on the Lord my strength and hope.
James Smith 1849

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