Friday, September 20, 2024



By the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Romans 5:17

ADAM sinned, and we are guilty, for he represented us;
  and we are suffering the effects of his sin every day.
Jesus obeyed the law, and we are justified,
  for he also represented us; and
  we are enjoying the blessed results of 
    his obedience every day.
Our first federal head involved us in guilt, disgrace, and ruin;
  our second federal head bestows on us 
    righteousness, honor, and salvation.
Whatever we are either as sinners or saints,
  flows from connections.
God never justifies without a righteousness;
  but as we have not one, and
  cannot produce one,
  in order that he may justify us,
  he sent his own Son into the world,
  who did all the law commanded, and
  suffered all the law threatened, as a public person,
  and his perfect obedience is placed to the account
    of everyone at believes on his name.
By his one obedience many have been made righteous,
  and by his one obedience many will
    obtain justification, peace, and everlasting life.
My soul, look to Jesus as thy Substitute, and Representative!
Then let my Lord impute to me
His own obedience full and free,
As title to his bless;
And let his Spirit too implant
All Christian grace which I want,
As pledge of happiness.
James Smith 1849

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