Monday, September 16, 2024




Buy and eat without money.
Isaiah 55:1

JESUS has every thing we do or can want and he has it to dispose of.
He invites us to come and buy,
  but he bids us come without money,
  for his blessings have no price.
They are all invaluable.
They are all free.
But we must come with the spirit of a buyer,
  of one who goes to market determined to purchase,
  let the price be what it may.
We are to procure necessities yea, luxuries.
Not only bread, but wine and milk.
All the fruits of the celestial Canaan
  are presented to us by Jesus,
  and we are invited to receive them,
   we are exhorted to process them.
Beloved, have you any taste for the spiritual provisions?
Have you any desire for the blessings of grace and glory?
If so, Jesus calls you to him,
  he wishes to confer them upon you;
  he is willing, yea, desirous that you should be happy.
Stand no longer at a distance.
Delay not, but this morning go to Jesus;
  go and tell him that you are come to obtain pardon,
  peace, righteousness, holiness, and eternal life.
Take your sins, your guilt, your trials, your rags;
  and exchange them for pardon, righteousness, peace,
    holiness, and a title to endless glory.
Go and say, ---
Take my burdens for thy rest,
Take my death for the life given,
Take my rags for thy rich vest,
Take my hell for thy sweet heaven.
James Smith 1849

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