Wednesday, September 11, 2024



I will dwell in them.
II Corinthians 6:16

EVERY saint is God's temple.
He is set apart and consecrated
  to God’s worship and praise.
In him God dwells.
The affections are his throne.
The heart is his altar.
The whole man is sacred to him.
If God does not dwell in us,
  our religion is not genuine.
If God does dwell in us,
  we shall be sure to discover it.
There will be a dignity about us,
  a concern for God’s honor, and
  a tenderness of the conscience which others do not possess.
If God dwells in us as his temple,
  assuredly he will take care of his own.
He will cleanse us.
  He will adore us.
    He will defend us.
      He will expect constant worship from us.
The fire on the altar should never go out.
Our prayers should be set before him as incense, and
  the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice.
Beloved, let us carefully examine whether God dwells in us.
Let us daily seek to enjoy his presence,
  the light of his countenance,
  the proofs of his acceptance.
God in us is our honorable distinction,
  special privilege, and everlasting security.
This thought should make us careful, watch full, and
  desirous to realize that God is in us.
There he reveals his secrets deep,
And sheds his love abroad,
And there he teaches us to keep
Sweet fellowship with God.
James Smith 1849

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