Monday, August 12, 2024



Behold the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom.
Job 28:28

SOME fancy wisdom consists in amassing wealth,
  others in gaining a name among men,
  others in self-indulgence;
  but the Scripture informs us that it consists in pleasing God.
For he who fears to offend God,
  will be sure to please him.
Those who fear God,
  receive his word,
  believe his gospel,
  trust in his son,
  worship at his throne,
  observed his ordinances,
  copy his example,
  seek his Holy Spirit,
  withdrawal from his enemies,
  unite with his friends,
  resist Satan, and
  strive against sin.
This is true wisdom.
For thus they avoid all penal evils,
  and secure all real good.
The Omnipotent is their friend,
  the wealth of the universe is their portion,
  and the mansions of glory their home.
If the man who escapes the greatest dangers,
  secures the greatest good,
  enjoys the greatest pleasure, and
  obtains the greatest honor is wise,
  then every real Christian is wise;
  for such is the happiness of everyone that truly fears God.
O fear the Lord, ye his saints,
  for there is no want unto them that fear him.
Be it my only wisdom here
To serve the Lord with filial fear,
With loving gratitude;
Superior sense may I display
By shunning every evil way,
And walking in the good.
James Smith 1849

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