Wednesday, August 14, 2024



To depart from evil is understanding.
Job 28:28

HOW different is God's estimate to man's.
We think that the man who has great intellect,
  great learning, and
  who has stored up great knowledge,
  is the man of understanding;
  but God says, “The holy man is the wise man.”
If we really understand God's nature,
  and our own duty;
  God's requirements, and
     our own privileges;
  God's grace, and
     what we make for our own happiness;
  we shall study, pray, and
   strive to depart from all moral evil.
Nothing is hurtful but sin; and
  nothing should be hateful to us but sin.
Every Sinner is in Scripture called a fool; and
  only the saint is designated a wise man.
The man who must be a fool who provokes infinite wrath,
  insults omnipotent power,
  dares immutable justice,
  rejects the richest gifts,
  despise the highest honors, and
  exposes himself to the greatest possible
    amount of suffering;
  but this every impenitent sinner does.
Friend, how is it with you?
What are you doing?
Are you departing from evil, by closing with,
  and imitating the Lord Jesus?
O may I still from sin part;
A wise and understanding heart,
Jesus, to me be given;
And let me through thy Spirit know
To glorify my God below
And find my way to heaven.
James Smith 1849

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