Monday, August 19, 2024



Of his fulness have we received.
John 1:16

IT pleased the Father that in Jesus all fulness dwell.
The fulness of the Godhead dwelt in him.
He has, in order to communicate; and
  he gives freely to all comers.
The grace that justifies, and
  the grace that sanctifies,
    are a like from him.
Of his fullness we received grace at first, and
  then from his fullness we must receive at the last.
We need go nowhere else,
  for he has everything we do or
   can possibly need;
  it is of no use to go anywhere else,
  for no one else can supply us.
We may therefore say with Peter,
  “Lord, unto whom can we go,
    thou hast the words of eternel life.”
Let us go to his fullness this morning.
Let us ask largely.
Let us expect to receive grace to help us in every duty,
  in every trial, and in every temptation this day.
He is full of grace and truth.
O keep the eye fixed on his fullness,
  the heart happy in his love, and
  the hand diligently employed in his service!
He giveth liberally and upbraideth not.
Thou slaughtered Lamb of God,
From the world's foundation's slain,
By thy sacrificial blood
Wash out all my guilty stain,
Clothe my spirit’s nakedness
 With a covering from above,
Put on me thy spotless dress,
Wrap me up in heavenly love.
James Smith 1849

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