Tuesday, August 20, 2024



I will look up.
Psalm 5:3

THIS what is the Psalmist’s determination in the morning,
  and it should be ours.
Preserved and protected through the night,
  we should look up with gratitude, and
  praise God for his goodness.
Aware of our dependence and wants,
  we should look up and desire mercies of the God
     of heaven for the newborn day.
Sensible of our foes and dangers,
  we should look up and pray to be
  kept, guided, and sanctified by an ever-present God.
We if we look within, it will dispirit us;
  if we look around, it may distract us;
  if we look back, it may awaken fears;
  if we look forward, it may arouse foreboding;
but if we look up, it will preserve the head from swimming,
  the heart from sinking,
  the feet from slipping, and
  the hands from hanging down.
Beloved, let us look up, there is our loving father,
  there is our interceding Savior,
  there are our elder brethren,
  there are all our supplies, and
  there is our everlasting home.
Let others look where they will,
       “I WILL LOOK UP.”
If we look up to God in faith,
   he will look down upon us in mercy,
  and looking supply all our needs.
Rock of my security,
Thankful I look up to thee;
Blest with yet another day
Let me live my God to obey,
Live thine utmost will to prove,
Live to pray, repent, and love.
James Smith 1849

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