Saturday, August 17, 2024



I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
John 17:4
THE work of Jesus is perfect.

He completed all that he had to do on earth,
  before he returned to heaven.
He did not forget one thing,
  nor fail in one point.
Every demand made upon him, 
    he met;
  every engagement he had entered into, 
    he fulfilled;
  every foe that attempted to obstruct his progress, 
    he defeated;
  every member of his church, 
    he purchased; and
  the certain salvation of everyone committed unto him, 
    he secured.
He wrought on earth,
  he rested in heaven.
His finished work is his glory, and
  it is the ground of our hope, confidence, and try up.
As Jesus has finished his work,
  may we seek to finish ours;
  that as he is sat down with the father upon his throne,
   we may sit down with him upon his throne.
By the finished work of Jesus,
  justice is for ever satisfied,
  the holy law is magnified;
  sin is eternally put away; and
  the gates of heaven are thrown wide open
  to every simple minded believer.
O to look to, trust in, and
  boast of the finished work of Christ alone!
Nothing else will do for us in death,
  May we not attempt to do with any thing else in life.
Sin, death, and hell, are now subdued,
All grace is now to sinners given;
And, lo ! I plead the atoning blood,
For pardon, holiness, and heaven.
James Smith 1849

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