Friday, August 16, 2024



He shall see his face with joy.
Job 33:26

THIS is what no sinner can do without a change of nature.
There is nothing in God to make a man happy
  while he loves and lives and sin.
But when convinced of transgression,
  when laid low in contrition,
  when reconciled through the precious blood of Jesus,
  when the Spirit of adoption within cries, “ABBA Father,”
   then we see his face with joy.
It is a father's face,
  a father's face beaming with love.
The face of a father who presses his guilty
   but returning prodigal to his heart.
O what joy to see that God is reconciled to us, and
   that he is at peace with us,
   that he loves us,
   that he delights in us,
   that he rejoices to do ask good!
This makes the heart dance with joy for joy.
This makes us rejoice with joy that
   is unspeakable and full of glory.
Sinner, if you are convinced of sin,
  if you seek God through Jesus,
    if you pray earnestly to unto him,
     he will deliver you from going down into the pit,
     and you shall see his face with joy.
O seek the Lord this day,
  nor cease until you are filled with his love!
Let nothing tempt you to delay,
  the strive to enter in at the Strait
  gate while it is yet open.
Comforter of all that morn,
Into joy my sorrows turn,
Joy to taste thy saving grace
Joy to see thy smiling face
Joy to know my sins forgiven
Joy to gain a glimpse of heaven.
James Smith 1849

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