Thursday, August 15, 2024



I find no fault in this man.
Luke 23:4

THIS was Pilate’s testimony of Jesus.
He had examined him.
He had examined the witnesses brought against him,
  and the conclusion that he was
  obligated to come to was,
   “That he was faultless.”
Had there been one fault,
   there could have been no atonement.
The sacrifice must be without blemish.
Had there been one fault,
  we should have had no perfect example.
The whole scheme of redemption would have been ruined,
  the predictions of Scripture would have failed,
  and the hopes of his people must have been disappointed.
But he was without fault before God, and
  his unprincipled judge was compelled to say,
    “I find no fault in this man.”
Sinner, can you find any fault in him?
If not, why do you not believe in him?
Why do you not trust his glorious sacrifice?
Why do you not seek for glory, honor, and
   immortality in his dear name.
If you can find no fault in him, and
  yet reject him,
  God will find nothing but faults in you, and
  all the intelligent inhabitants of heaven,
  earth and hell, will find fault with you forever.
Harmless in act, and word, and thought,
The judge declared him free from blame,
Without a blemish or a spot
A sinless saint, a perfect lamb;
And such is a fit sacrifice,
And such for sinful man he dies.
James Smith 1849

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