Monday, August 26, 2024

Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation


Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.
Psalm 35:3

EVERY believer longs for assurance, and
  no one should rest satisfied without it.
For though it is not necessary to our safety,
  it is to our comfort and usefulness.
The Lord does assure his people that
  he is theirs, and that they are his.
This is done sometimes by applying the word,
  sometimes my shining on the soul, and
  sometimes by the direct witness of the Holy Spirit.
“The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit,
  that we are the children of God.”
Beloved, do you feel your need of salvation?
Are you seeking salvation?
Do you want the assurance of salvation?
If so, make the Psalmist prayer your own, and
  cry unto God with him,
      “Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.”
If God is your salvation,
  he will deliver you from all evil, and
  preserve you unto his kingdom and glory.
He will give you power against Satan,
  victory over the world, and
  deliverance from the dominion, guilt,
    and consequences of sin.
If God is your salvation,
  you may rejoice and not be afraid;
  for all things shall work for
    your good and God's glory.
Who can soothe the soul’s distresses?
Jesus, Lord, thy kind word
All my sorrows erases:
By the virtue of thy passion
Make me whole, tell my soul,
I am thy salvation!
James Smith 1849

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