Thursday, August 8, 2024



Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased.
Luke 14:11

IF we would rise high, we must lie low;
  for before honor is humility.
We are all prone to exalt ourselves,
  and to justify ourselves in doing so.
There is very much pride remaining in our hearts, and
  it often lies concealed under our most humiliating expressions.
We need to be daily stript,
  to be emptied from vessel to vessel;
  for if we are not, self-will will soon puff us up.
Every Christian should aim to exalt his God,
  to honor the Lord Jesus Christ, and
  to leave his own reputation in his Saviour’s hand.
Honour follows the truly humbled even like his shadow,
  but it flies away from the proud like a bird.
Pride must be abased.
The proud professor must be laid low.
Every doctrine of the gospel, and
  every precept of God's law,
  is oppressed to our pride.
If therefore we swell with self conceit,
  if we make much of ourselves,
  if we set ourselves up before, or
  above our fellow men,
  God will bring us down;
  for whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased.
May we be daily clothed with humility.
Why have I, Lord, so often been
Baffled, debased by every sin?
With humble shame and grief
One sin I own the cause of all;
Pride always went before my fall,
The pride of unbelief.
James Smith 1849

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