Sunday, August 18, 2024



When he giveth quietness, 
     who then can make trouble.
Job 34:29

OUR times are in God's hands, and
  our experience is absolutely under his control.
No matter where we are, or
  in what circumstances;
  if God gives us peace,
  shed abroad his love in our hearts, and
  shine upon our souls,
    we shall enjoy quietness.
So on the other hand,
  if placed in the most favourable circumstances,
  if surrounded by the kindest friends,
  if loaded with the bounties of a beneficent Providence;
  without the presence, blessings, and the love of God,
     we cannot be happy.
Nothing under heaven will make us so.
Let us view all our concerns as in God's hands, and
  expect our comfort from his word, presence, and smile.
If he gives us quietniss, we shall enjoy repose,
  though the world be up in arms around us,
  though the strong foundation of the earth gives way,
  though the heavens be clothed with sackcloth.
Lord, give us quietness which flows from the pardon of sin,
  the enjoyment of adoption,
  the sense of thy love, and
  the hope of everlasting glory.
O for quiet confidence in an ever present God!
Jesus, thou seest my troubled breast;
Weary and faint, for lasting rest,
For thee alone, I pray;
O might I with my Lord receive
Peace which the world can never give,
Can never take away.
Change Smith 1849

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