Friday, August 23, 2024



Yet will I not forget thee.
Isaiah 49:15

WE often forget the Lord,
  this is both our sin and our folly;
  for as we can never be happy but
  as we live in the enjoyment of his love,
  so every sin brings its own punishment with it.
We sometimes suspect that the Lord has forgotten us,
  but he assures us that this is impossible.
He admits that the mother may forget her sucking child,
  and treat it with neglect; but
  he denies that he can ever forget his people.
They are too deeply engraven on his hands,
  his love to them is too strong and active,
  to allow him to forget them.
Jesus thinks of us this morning.
He is thinking of the trials we shall have to endure,
  of the duties we have to discharge,
  of the foes we shall have to face, and
  of the grace that will be necessary for us.
Friends may forget us;
  relations may forget us;
  but Jesus never will:
  nor will he forget, or
  overlook any thing that concerns us.
O may I never forget him!
May he live in my memory,
  reign in my affections, and
  dwell in my heart by faith.
O to think of him,
  trust in him, and
    render constant and cheerful obedience to him.
He says, “I will not forget thee;
may we say, --
I know it: by thy hands and feet
Thou must remember me;
Thou couldest as easily forget
What passed on Calvary!
James Smith 1849

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