Saturday, August 31, 2024



He that believeth shall not make haste.
Isaiah 28:16

FAITH is satisfied with God's time, and
  content to walk God’s pace.
Sense is always in a hurry, and
  must be gratified at once, or
  it will fret, murmur, complain,
    doubt, and despond.
Haste often throws us into confusion, and
   hinders instead of helps.
The Lord’s time is always the best, and
  if we are building on God's foundation,
  trusting in God's promises,
  walking in God's way, and
  working in God's vineyard,
  there can be no cause for hurry or confusion.
Faith will keep us steady in the storm,
  quiet in the furnace, and
  patient under the cross.
O for more faith!
O for more confidence in the presence,
  promises, and faithfulness of God!
Then we shall wait upon him, in every duty;
  wait for him, in every difficulty; and
  wait upon him, we shall be honored by him.
Friend, do you believe in Jesus?
Do you embrace his promises?
Do you depend on his veracity and faithfulness?
If so, you may calmly wait his will,
  watch his hand, and
  expect his interference without fear of disappointment.
O that I thus on Christ reclined,
His quiet, meek and even mind
Might with himself possess;
I want the faith which works by hope,
Which calmly to its Lord looked up,
And waits for perfect peace.
James Smith 1849

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