Wednesday, August 21, 2024



We would see Jesus.
John 12:21

CURIOSITY pants to see great men,
  remarkable places, and uncommon things;
  but grace in the heart pants to see Jesus.
The first object we wish to see when regenerated is Jesus;
  and the last we shall wish to see when quitting the world is Jesus.
We want to see him in sorrow, to cheer us;
  in darkness, to illumine us;
  in trouble, to deliver us;
  in prosperity, to keep us;
  in sickness they comfort us; and
  in death to enable us to triumph.
We would see Jesus in the manger,
  Jesus at the Jordan,
  Jesus in the temple,
  Jesus in the busy crowd,
  Jesus in the house of affliction,
  Jesus by the grave of Lazarus,
  Jesus in Gethsemane’s garden,
  Jesus at Pilate’s bar,
  Jesus hanging on Golgotha,
  Jesus ascending from Olivet,
  Jesus interceding for us before his Father, and
  Jesus coming in the clouds to claim the world
    which was erected by him and for him.
Friend, have you ever seen Jesus?
Do you want to see him this morning?
Can you say,---
Fain would I my Redeemer see
As when extended on the tree,
He groaned beneath my heavy load,
He poured out all his precious blood;
Above, I want this only sight,
To view the Lamb by his own light,
To admire the luster of those scars,
Which brightens all the morning stars!
James Smith 1849

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