Wednesday, August 7, 2024



In my flesh I shall see God.
Job 19:26

GOD has appeared in our flesh to put away our sin
  and to restore us to the enjoyment of his favour and love.
He is now gone into heaven to appear before the Father for us.
There he represents us,
  sympathizes with us, and
   intercedes for us.
He will come again.
He will come in glory.
He will come to be seen,
  enjoyed, and admired by the Saints.
In our flesh we shall see God,
  for our bodies will be raised incorruptible, and
  our whole persons be made like
  the human nature of Jesus.
“Behold he cometh with clouds, and
  every eye shall see him, and
  they also that pierced him; and
  all kindred of the earth shall wail because of him.”
Beloved, are we looking forward in 
  expectation of seeing God?
Do we long for the day of Christ,
  when he shall be revealed in his own glory, and 
  in his Father's glory, having all the holy angels with him?
It will be a glorious sight.
O to have part in the first resurrection,
  to obtain a seat at the marriage supper of the lamb,
  and to sit down with Jesus on his throne!
May this be our grand object.
I called the great Redeemer mine;
He lives who died for me, I know,
Who bought my soul with blood divine,
Jesus shall re-appear below,
Stand in that dreadful day unknown,
And fix on earth his heavenly throne.
James Smith 1849

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