Tuesday, August 13, 2024



Men ought always to pray.
Luke 18:1


AS we always sin,

  we ought always to pray for pardon; and

  as we always in want,

  we ought always to pray for supply.


If God is always willing to hear us,

  we ought always to pray to him for what we need,

  and he has promised to bestow.


But some men never pray.


Others only pray when in danger, or in trouble.


They pray from fear, not from love;

  as slaves performing a duty to a master

  they do not esteem,

  not as children asking of a tenderly beloved parent.


He who never prays,

  is unquestionably dead in sin.


He who only prays in trouble,

  is a stranger to the sweet influences

  and teaching of the Holy Spirit.


Reader, how is it with you?


Do you pray often?


Do you really love prayer?


Is it your pleasant privilege,

  your solace and relief?


If you do not pray on earth,

  you will never praise in heaven.


Prayer is the seed of praise.


He who prays rightly now will praise God cheerfully by and by.


Friend, God says you ought to pray,

  and that you ought always to pray.


What do you say?


What does your conduct say?


Are you in a praying frame this morning?


Do you desire to be?


Ask of God the spirit of prayer.


We perish if we cease from prayer;

Lord, grant us power to pray;

And while to meet thee we prepare,

Oh, meet us in the way.


James Smith 1849

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