Thursday, August 22, 2024



Behold, I am vile.
Job 40:4

JOB did not always think so.
He did not always feel thus.
While at a distance from God,
  he could boast, argue, and contend with God;
  but when brought into the presence of God's holiness,
  the contrast was so striking that he sunk down in astonishment,
  clothed with shame, and filled with self-loathing.
The manifestation of God's glory to a sinner
  always produces the same effect.
Isaiah felt as Job did, and exclaimed,
   “I am undone, for my eyes have seen
      the King the Lord of hosts.”
Pride and self-righteousness can never live in God's presence.
The nearer to God,
  the more we discover our depravity,
  the more we loathe ourselves, and
  the more precious does the person
    and work of Jesus become.
Proud sinners have never been brought into God's presence.
Conceited professors,
  if they follow God at all,
   do so at a great distance.
O for clear, correct, and humbling views of self;
  that God may be glorified in us,
  and Jesus be precious to us!
It is only as we see our own vileness,
  that we shall value a Saviour’s righteousness;
  and only as we feel our own weakness,
  that we shall prize and pray for the Spirit's power.
Jehovah to the creature shown
Confounds his boast and virtuous pride,
And now he knows that God alone
Is just, and vile are all besides.
James Smith 1849

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