Saturday, August 10, 2024



In his right mind.

Luke 8:35

THEN he was in a humble mind;
 for we are never in our right mind except we are humble.
Then he was exercising confidence in Jesus;
  for it is only as we trust in his merits,
  rely on his word, and
  depend on his intercession,
  that we are in our right mind.
Then he was loving Jesus,
  with a warm and grateful love;
  for it is only as we love Jesus for what
  he has done for us,  promised to us, and
  is in himself, that our minds are right.

Then he was consecrating himself and
  all his powers to the honour and service of Jesus;
  for no one who knows Jesus can
  be considered a reasonable being,
  who does not consecrate himself, and
  all that he possesses, to the Saviour's glory.
Beloved, how is it with us this morning?
What is the state of our mind?
Are we truly humble?
Are we exercising warm hearted confidence in Jesus?
Do our bosoms glow with love to his
  glorious person and dear name?
Are we consecrating ourselves afresh
  to his service and praise?
Are we presenting ourselves before him,
  and asking, “Lord, what wouldst thou have me to do?”
Are we longing to be filled with holiness and love?
Are we saying, --
All that I have and all I am,
Shall be for ever thine;
Whatever my duty bids me give,
My cheerful hands resign?
James Smith 1849

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