Thursday, August 29, 2024



He shall take of mine, and show it unto you.
John 16:15

THIS is a special part of the work of the Holy Spirit.
All things are delivered unto Jesus by the Father; and
  all that he has is for the use and benefit of his people.
The Spirit unfolds to us the glory of his person,
  the riches of his grace,
  the glory of his righteousness,
  the efficacy of his blood,
  the power of his intercession,
  the preciousness of his word, and
  the adaptation of his offices to our state and case.
He takes his doctrines, and teaches us to understand them;
  his promises, and helps us to believe them;
  his institutions, and inclines us to observe them;
  his precepts, and enables us to keep them.
The things of Christ are all great, glorious, and valuable;
  they are calculated to strengthen our faith,
  increase our hope,
  influence our love,
  quicken our zeal, and
  consecrate all our powers to his service.
O that the Holy Spirit would take of the things of Christ
  and show them unto us today!
May we see his glory,
  enjoy his presence, and
  promote his cause.
Holy Ghost, by him bestowed
Who suffer’d on the tree,
Take a my Redeemer's blood,
And show it unto me;
Witness with the blood thou art.
Apply it to this soul of mine;
Now assure my sprinkled heart
It is the blood divine.
James Smith 1849

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