Friday, August 9, 2024



The Almighty troubleth me.

Job 23:16

BUT if he does, it is to benefit me; and
  if he trouble me with one hand,
  he will support and comfort me with the other.
If providence tries us, grace sustains us.
Troubles are as necessary for our souls,
  as the frost and snow of winter are for the earth.
They stir us up, keep us alive, makes us pray,
  and put power into our religion.
If God troubled us, it is in mercy;
  and he troubles us now,
  that he may comfort us by and by.
Crosses are not curses.
If the all-sufficient one troubles us,
  it is evident he does not forget us,
  he has not cast us off: and
  it is equally evident that he has blessings in store for us,
  which our present troubles are to qualify us to enjoy.
Beloved, do not think hardly of God be cause of your troubles,
  but remember that he is all-sufficient in the midst of them,
  and that he will bring you safe out of them.
Sinner, if God does not trouble you with conviction of sin,
  and heart-felt sorrow for sin,
  he will trouble you with his fierce wrath
  and indignation forever.
May you be so troubled as to say,
Troubled by the Almighty I,
From the fiery furnace cry,
Jesus, now thy grace in part,
Come and sanctify my heart:
Let me in my suffering prove
All thy tender, constant love.
James Smith 1849

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