Wednesday, June 12, 2024



JUNE 12.
An evil heart of unbelief.
Hebrews 3:12


UNBELIEF is a disease of the heart.
It is a want of confidence in God.
An evil heart of unbelief,
  is an evil unbelieving heart; or
  a heart destitute of confidence in God.
It was the want of confidence in God
  that kept Israel out of Canaan;
  it is the want of confidence that keeps sinners from Christ;
  and it is this want of confidence that is in the root of our fears,
    doubts, perplexities, barrenness,
    and backsliding from God.
The confidence of the heart is what God requires.
The confidence of the heart God loves, approves, and rewards.
The confidence of the heart is the ground of all true comfort.
For as in the world there could be no comfort in the social,
  or domestic circles, without confidence;
  so in spiritual things, there can be no comfort without confidence.
Take heed therefore, brethren,
  lest there be in any of you,
  an evil heart unbelieving heart
  which departs from the living God.
But, exercise confidence in the work of Jesus,
  for your acceptance with God; and
  exercise confidence and the promises of God,
  for all you can possibly need.
Faith is the confident expectation of promised blessings,
  therefore be strong in faith, glory giving glory to God.
O let me then at length be taught
(What I am still so slow to learn)
That God is love and changes not,
Nor knows the shadow of a turn.
James Smith 1849

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