Saturday, June 22, 2024



JUNE 22.
The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:6


JESUS was the sin-bearer of his people.
All their sins were imputed to him;
  they met upon him,
  they were punished in him, and
  they were put away by him.
Let us view Jesus as our substitute,
  standing in our place,
  meeting our demands,
  bearing our desert, and
  securing our everlasting deliverance from sin
  and all its penal consequences.
The Father laid our sins upon Jesus;
  he took them for us and charged them on him.
This was according to the agreement in the everlasting covenant.
What a mystery is this!
The innocent is reputed guilty.
The Holy One is punished as a sinner.
The Just One is put to death for the unjust.
Jesus died because we had sinned, and
  rose again that we might be justified.
This truth ought to be kept constantly before the mind;
  it will preserve our peace,
  prevent our fears,
  strengthen our faith,
  enlarge our expectation,
  give fervour to our prayers,
   and zeal to our praises.
Behold the Lamb of God,
  who hath taken away the sin of the world.
We have redemption through his blood,
  even the forgiveness of our sins.
See all your sins on Jesus laid,
The Lamb of God was slain;
His soul was once an offering made
For fallen, sinful man.
James Smith 1849

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